Thesis Advisory Committee

The Thesis Advisory Committee is typically composed of not more than four members (three voting members, including the committee chair and the Thesis Advisor). Committee members should represent a breadth of scientific interests related to the trainee’s specific area of study, and efforts should be made to ensure diverse representation. Members of the trainee’s Thesis Advisory Committee typically also serve on the Thesis Proposal Committee and the Thesis Dissertation Committee. In addition, they meet with the trainee at least once per semester between declaration of the dissertation laboratory and the dissertation defense to monitor progress towards the PhD, provide scientific feedback in the development and progress of specific aims, as well as discuss and provide career development advice. On occasions, the advisory committee may suggest or require more frequent meetings.

Additional non-voting committee members are permitted subject to the approval of the MTA Director. The membership of the committee may change as the project evolves to provide the best advisory panel to the student.

Students are required to complete the Advisory committee declaration form by the end of the 3rd semester in the program.

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