Full-time Equivalency Status

Graduate students who carry 9 or more credits each semester or trimester are considered full-time students. Those students who register for less than 9 credits may, in certain situations, be granted "full-time equivalency" if engaged in full-time educational activities. Typically, full-time equivalency is granted if one of the following applies:

  • You are taking 7-8 credits of coursework, and working as a teaching or research assistant for your program

  • You are completing or have fulfilled all coursework requirements and are working full time on thesis research or dissertation research.

Students who are granted full-time equivalency will be designated as "full-time" by the Registrar. International graduate students who enroll in less than 9 credits and who are not eligible for full-time equivalency may jeopardize their visa status and should consult with the Office of International Personnel.

Last updated