Disability Services

The goal of Disability Services at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is to provide a physically and educationally accessible educational environment so that each student is viewed on the basis of ability, not disability.

The Student Disability Services Office (DS) staff work with all students in the School of Medicine and the Graduate School to facilitate equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating reasonable accommodations through a variety of support services (including access modification, learning related technology, and extended test times).

Individually designed accommodation plans and services are determined based on the documented needs of each student in conjunction with their program requirements and are created to match the specific disability-related need of each student with those program requirements in mind.

Students register with DS by submitting the Application for Accommodations and Services. The application and instructions are provided on the DS website. The site also provide the Disability Policies as well as Resources for Faculty and Students.

Students who do not have documentation of their condition, and /or who believe they have an undiagnosed condition, should contact the Director of Student Disability Services to discuss their circumstances further.

The Director of Student Disability Services, Christine Low, LCSW-R is available at christine.low@mssm.edu.

Last updated