Safety and Security

Students’ personal security is of paramount importance. For this reason, Security will, upon request, provide escorts within Mount Sinai and to on-campus residences. Call ext. 46068 approximately 10 to 15 minutes prior to departure.

Security measures at Mount Sinai are reviewed continuously to provide a safe environment for all who use its facilities. A committee of the Student Council addresses housing and security issues and meets on a regular basis with Security to discuss matters of concern.

Security Office Contact Information

The Security Office is located at 1468 Madison Avenue, MC level, AMC-203.

The Security Department telephone number is 46068 when dialed from a school or hospital telephone and (212) 241-6068 when dialed from off campus or cellphone.

Students can also reach Security by dialing extension “60” from a hospital or school telephone in an emergency, when suspicious activities are observed or urgent request.

Identification Badges

Photo identification badges are issued to all students at the time of registration and MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES in all campus buildings and upon entering any residence hall. Students may be asked to present badges for identification at any time while on campus. Lost cards may be replaced for a $20 fee, payable to the hospital main cashier. Present the receipt to Security Administration who will issue a new badge.

Emergency Alert System “Message One”

In order to allow for a more coordinated and rapid response to emergency or disaster situations at Mount Sinai, the hospital uses a messaging system, MessageOne, which has the capability of informing students of and delivering instructions regarding citywide, hospital, or student specific (e.g. student housing intruder) emergencies requiring immediate attention. Signing up for this system is mandatory for all students. During the on-line registration process, students have the option to set the method of contact (e.g. cell-phone, text message, email).

Personal Property and Property Passes

Personal property is often the object of theft and should be protected at all times. It is the policy of Mount Sinai that no equipment, personal or that belonging to Mount Sinai, will be removed from the premises without a Property Pass. Property Passes are available from the Graduate School office during weekdays. Packages, backpacks, purses, or other large bags are subject to inspection by Security Officers at entrances and exits of all Mount Sinai buildings.

Last updated