ISMMS Policy on Business Conflicts of Interest

Mount Sinai Medical Center has an obligation to ensure that its trustees, faculty, employees and other staff and students adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct free from any improper external influence or any appearance of impropriety. Situations can occur in which an independent observer might reasonably conclude that the potential for individual or institutional conflict could influence the manner in which individuals carry out their responsibilities or the decisions made by the institution. Even in the absence of an actual conflict of interest, such situations may require actions to minimize the appearance of a conflict.

At the same time, Mount Sinai understands that such individuals and their close family members may have relationships that could raise perceived or actual conflicts of interest, but could benefit Mount Sinai if carefully examined and properly managed.

In order to safeguard the integrity of both Mount Sinai and its constituents, Mount Sinai has adopted a rigorous conflicts policy predicated on full disclosure and appropriate management of any possible conflict of interest. This Policy on Business Conflicts of Interest (the “Policy”) identifies those persons or entities covered by this Policy, sets out the requirements for disclosing potential business conflicts of interest, and specifies the procedures for reviewing such disclosures and determining what measures, if any, should be instituted to manage the conflict.

This Policy is intended to cover conflicts that arise out of business relationships. Mount Sinai has related policies that cover other types of conflicts, such as Mount Sinai’s Policy on Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. For more information, please review the Financial Relationships with Outside Entities, found in the drop-down menu on the corresponding webpage.

Last updated