Infection Control

All students are held to the Mount Sinai Health System’s Infection Control Policies and Procedures. During orientation, students will be introduced to these policies and procedures. Further training is coordinated by each degree program. Students who experience needle stick accidents and accidental blood/body fluid in the medical school will be supported (An exposure may be a percutaneous injury, such as a needle stick, cut with a sharp object or bite, contact of mucous membranes, contact of tissue, contact of skin when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis, or the contact is prolonged or involving an extensive area with blood or tissue or body fluids.). It is expected that students follow the published protocols immediately as anti-retroviral therapy for HIV exposure, if recommended, should commence immediately. Exposure to hepatitis B or C may require therapy or further follow-up. Care, evaluation, and expert advice must be available to students regarding relative risks, options for therapy, and follow-up. Coordination of multiple affiliate sites has been accomplished so that students have a clear idea of the protocol to follow and students receive state-of-the-art care. Students must attend annual seminars conducted by infection control experts and documentation of attendance will become a permanent part of the student's file. Students must follow protocol after a needle stick or other blood/body fluid exposure. All exposures should be reported to Student Health. For complete information, view the Infection Control Handbook.

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