Faculty, Staff, and Student Relations

Just as students are expected to behave in an appropriate and professional manner at all times, so also are faculty, staff, and other employees. Any allegations concerning harassment, abuse, or inappropriate professional behavior should be brought directly to the attention of one of the Associate Deans of the Graduate School or to a member of the Harassment Committee and Grievance Board.

The Executive Faculty has approved the following statement of principles concerning interactions among faculty, house staff, and students.

All interpersonal interactions at ISMMS will be conducted in an atmosphere of respect and concern for the dignity of every individual. Under no circumstances will patients, students, faculty, or staff of Mount Sinai be treated, spoken to, or spoken about in a demeaning manner. Insulting language or behavior must not be tolerated. Faculty, house staff, and students are encouraged to speak up directly and immediately against unacceptable behavior or speech. If a student feels that it would be unwise to pursue such a matter directly, she/he/they should discuss the issue promptly with an appropriate academic supervisor, administrative supervisor, or dean.

Following are recommendations regarding the implementation of these principles:

  • Chairs of all departments will address these issues at a departmental administrative meeting or grand rounds every year

  • Directors of training and course directors are encouraged to discuss (in a non-threatening format), with faculty and house staff, the etiology of inappropriate behavior and engage their collaboration in developing and implementing improvements

  • Directors of training and course directors will ask for student evaluations of this aspect of their experience as part of their evaluations with every group of students

  • Faculty and house staff will be advised that while appropriate personal behavior is absolutely necessary, it is insufficient. It is also required that inappropriate behavior or language on the part of others must not go without comment

  • The Dean will issue an advisory regarding this policy to all faculty, house staff, and students. New members of the faculty, house staff and student body will be given copies of this advisory.

  • The Executive Curriculum Committee will periodically assess students' experiences to gauge the effectiveness of this initiative.

Last updated